Baji quan Learning course 3 - Body conditioning -

・老小架一路 laoxiaojiayilu
 Old style Xiaojia form 1st

・老小架対練 laoxiaojia duilian
 Actual fighting of Old style Xiaojia form

・老小架用法解説 laoxiaojia yongfa
 Fighting style of Old style Xiaojia

・小架一~四路 套路 xiaojia
 Xiaojia form 1st - 4th

・小架二~四路 用法変化 xiaojia
 Fighting style of Xiaojia form 2nd - 4th

・対練の要訣 duilian
 Point of actual fighting

 64 Hands ( Extract )

 Method to strengthen a body
 鉄砂掌 (Hit the sand and forge your hands)
 鉄布衫 (Beat own body and forge it)
 石鎖練功法 (Swing a heavy thing around and forge your body)
 ダンベルを用いた小架一路・単打 (Xiaojia form 1st with dumbbell , Danda form with dumbbell)

・九宮純陽剣 套路
 Jiugongchunyangjian form

Format: NTSC, Japanese Subtitled, 4:3standard and 16:9 widescreen
Region: Region 2 (Japan) Please prepare a DVD player of the region-free.
Run Time: 90 minutes

For the photography in the home video camera, a sound includes disorder some pictures.